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iREP | 

Parent & Educator Talks

Mental Health & Wellness talk (60 Mins)

Mental health issues have been on the rise among our children and youth. The idea of a mental illness or diagnosis can be a scary thing, especially when there is still so much stigma and labels that exist surrounding the subject of mental health.  Awareness has been increasing leaps and bounds over the last number of years, but there is still such a need for us to receive education surrounding well-being and mental health.

In this presentation Joel and Germaine help parents/educators understand how mental health is something that applies to every student, and they provide simple keys on how to foster their mental health. Joel offers hope to parents/educators as he shares the story of his own dark days of mental illness, and some of the keys that helped him overcome. This is a dynamic multi-media presentation, filled with inspirational stories, quotes and statistics. Parents/Educators will come away with a sense of empowerment and a clear understanding of ways they can help their students live mentally healthy lives.

(This presentation is available to be conducted in-person or virtually)

Anti-Black Racism & Allship (60 Mins)

Racism is an age-old problem that humanity has been faced with down through history, and unfortunately Canada’s history is no different. Black Canadian have faced racism ever since they first entered our nation, and although we have come far as a nation, the reality is anti-Black racism (and other forms of racism) still exists in our society today.  To help combat these issues, we have created "People You May Know", an anti-Black racism presentation that promotes empathy, inclusion, equity, and allyship. 


Through this presentations educators/parents of all backgrounds will be equipped with a better understanding of racism, along with simple ways they can practice allyship with their children. This presentation very much mirrors the content of the grade 4-8 student presentation (with a little more depth in certain areas), so that educators/parents will have a good understanding of what their students have learned regarding racism & allyship and will be equipped themselves with the capacity to continue the conversation. Joel and Germaine are engaging speakers who who combine personal experiences, interactive games, creative analogies, and inspiring media productions, resulting in a rich and enlightening learning experience. 


Subjects Covered:


  • In the Beginning: iREP takes educators parents on a virtual field-trip to the historical African Canadians community of Buxton Ontario, to learn more about the history of African Canadians.

  • Racism Today: Germaine shares his personal experience with racism and brings greater understanding of what systemic racism looks like in our society.

  • Microaggressions: Bringing simple definition as to what they are and helping educators/parents understand the negative impact they can have. (+ Open Discussion)

  • White Privilege: Fun analogy, real life stories, and stats, help bring clear understanding of what it is and why we need to change it.

  • People You May Know" - educators/parents are introduced to a number of outstanding everyday African Canadians of various ages and professions, and get to hear about their personal experiences through an interview video we produced.

  • We Stand Together: Inspiring call to create a safe and inclusive climate for all. Practical strategies on how to cultivate allyship in your school/family. (+ Open Discussion)

Bullying & Resiliency talk (60 Mins)

Bullying can be defined as “the intentional use of superior strength or influence repeatedly towards another person to cause injury or discomfort”.


Those who have experienced bullying know all too well the effects of bullying and how it impacts your self-esteem. The question is “how do we break the cycle?” “How do we create a safe and inclusive school environment where everyone feels valued, welcomed, and accepted?” 

This presentation is co-facilitated by Germaine & Joel. During the session, Germaine shares his personal life experiences with bullying and the tools that can be used to overcome. Through Story-telling, multimedia, inspirational stories and statistics parents/educators are empowered to support their student who maybe facing a bullying situation.


Germaine & Joel encourage parents/educators to keep open lines of communication with their students, and how modelling good social relationships (especially for parents at home) can positively effect the way students relate to each other. 

(This presentation is available to be conducted in-person or virtually)

Healthy Relationships that Support Your Child’sWell-being & Mental Health (60 Mins)

The formative years of adolescence are a vulnerable time, filled with many highs and lows, and insecurities. One of the most foundational factors that affects a student’s mental health and well-being is their relationship with their parents/care-givers. The positive role a parent/care-giver is able to play in their child’s journey is contingent upon the quality of relationship they are able to cultivate with their child.

This parent session focuses on ways to cultivate healthy relationships that support their child’s well-being and mental health. Joel and Germaine had the opportunity to consult with a mental health expert (Child Psychologist and Registered Marriage and Family Therapist) in developing this talk. 

Through stories, statistics, and the dynamic use of multi-media, parents/care-takers will be equipped with a better understanding of how to cultivate healthy relationships with their child at each stage of development. They will leave encouraged, challenged, and freshly inspired to be present and effective in their vital role as parents/care-givers.

(This presentation is available to be conducted in-person or virtually)


What people are saying about Inspiration Republic

The content presented was accessible for grades 5-8 students and was supported by explanations and examples that students could connect with. Additionally, it provided ideas for positive pathways forward for student action, individually and collectively.

Laurie Alisat

Assistant Principal

Westmount Charter School Mid-High

Westmount Charter Board



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